Sunday, 15 March 2009

Legendary Goodwood Park Hotel Durian Pandan Coconut Cake

Last Friday, Goodwood Park Hotel went to my company for a corporate sales. They are famous for durian related pastries. Since I already tried the Durian puff, this time I want to try others - the tempting Durian Pandan Coconut Cake. Just from the look itself, you would think it would taste very nice.

Durian Pandan & Coconut Cake
Durian Pandan Coconut Cake. A slice cost 6.85 and it is after discount!

As you can see clearly, there are layers of pandan cake with durian paste. On top, there is a layer of coconut. The taste is legendary! The full aromatic durian paste couple with pandan cake and coconut, a very good combination. You have to let it de-froze for 2 hours at least before eating.
Otherwise the durian taste won't be released.


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