Thursday, 28 May 2009

Toast Box, good taste

Toast Box has been around for one two years, but I never really try it. Mainly because there is no motivation, another reason is because of the price. It function like a premium coffee shop. Just in case, you always wonder why Toast Box open beside Bread Talk, they are actually belong to the same company.

Few weeks ago, since the place is not crowded, I decided to give it a try. Although the price is a little bit high, the quality is actually quite good.

Floss toast
Floss toast with floss and milk on the toast. It taste just alright. The peanut toast is actually better, in my opinion. Because the toast is thick, you can feel the crunchiness.

Half boiled egg
Half boiled egg done to perfection. The egg is just half boiled as the name suggest and look great on the picture.

Maybe change your meeting place with friend to Toast Box would save you a couple of bucks compared to going Starbucks.


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