Thursday, 6 December 2007

what is my talent?

Today, the thought just re-emerged again. What is my talent? Although I have long identified my strength on job, but seems that the jobs I am doing does not leverage much on it.

I am two months into this new job, but I am still not comfortable yet. In the last job, there are too many stupid things going on, which does not suit my intelligence. However, in the current job, I found myself start from zero again. Reason being that it does not require much of my strength or existing skill. I have to learn all over again, also learn from people junior than me.

I think that could be the common dilemma every working adult is facing. Everyone knows that he/she has certain passion or good at doing certain thing. But, the jobs on hand, just simply not up to the expectation. Let's face it, it is common trait in life. Because it is hard to match one's idealism against the reality. You need talent, opportunity and supporting boss to realise your potential.

I hope everyone can find that. I am hoping to be able to adjust myself faster. Let's pray together.


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