Monday, 4 February 2008

Internet plagiarism is very common

I was searching for the recipe for cooking dessert(腐竹白果薏米糖水) last night. So, I keyed in the search term in goolge and it gives me back tons of result. I went through at least 10 links, mainly from China site. You guess what, the recipes are all the same.

No matter how many results I viewed, how hard I search, at the end, there is only one formula. Everybody seems to copy everybody. Eventually, nobody can be sure who is the original one. I noticed this is especially prevalent with some chinese content site. They tend to copy each others.

We know plagiarism is not good, but digital device makes the information copying, sharing so easy that we forgot to create the content ourselves. Students, please study and make sure you come out with your own answer. Sharing is good, blind copying is not good.


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