Saturday, 14 June 2008

True number portability is finally here

After a long wait, should be more than 1 year, the wall has fallen for the handphone number restriction. From now on, your number would follow you every where. Meaning that you can change the service provider as you wish, without having to bother about informing your friends.

This is a good news to consumer as we finally have full freedom to choose. You can argued that we can still change service company last time, but that was not without the hassle.

The competition is intense, but the new price plans do not seems to really match the hype surrounded by the event. I tend to agree to analyst command, change would be slow and sure to happen.

I am actually waiting for the iPhone 3G to arrive, before ditching my current phone. It is appealing that a convergence device that can do all the things you want. However, since it is heavily subsidized, we have to see the service plan cost first. I hope it would be something affordable. Just a few months more, we shall see more changes.


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